A Vaster Right Wing Conspiracy…

I never believed the notion that a “vast right wing conspiracy” to topple the Clinton’s and the Democratic Party existed, but now I do… It is not just talk radio, and Fox News… it has managed to creep in like a virus to my computer.

I was writing an email to a colleague, part of an on going political dialogue that we have been engaged in for years, and in the line of opinion and discourse we were discussing the merits of Barrack Obama.

When my thoughts were completed, I hit the send button, and my email client went through the usual spell checking routine. I have this set to run automatically, as I am one of the worst typists on the planet, if not the worst. I have to look at the keyboard, use two fingers and I still manage to mistype a large number of words.

As the spell check ran it caught the usual errors, “id” instead of “is,” “predisent” instead of “president,” and then it came across something interesting and provocative. Although I had spelled “Obama,” correctly it asked me if I wanted to replace it with “Osama.”

Was this for real? How could “Osama” be a valid word and “Obama” not be? I have the most recent updates, drivers and patches… What could be causing this? I have searched high and low for an answer and have found nothing to explain this… therefore; I can only reach one conclusion. It’s the VRWC virus. It has entered my computer, infiltrated my office and altered all of my programs. I checked every application with spell check routines, and they all came back the same: Obama = Osama.

When will it end? How low will the Right go to tarnish the reputation of the illustrious, chosen one? Why haven’t the “main stream media” picked up on this… could it be technology media bias? They have covered every other minute of “His” campaign, why not this.

Or have the Right wingers managed a subliminal covert operation so ingenious that the ‘Mainstream media” professionals have not even picked up on it. It’s curious to think that when we as citizens enter the voting booths in November, might we look at the screen of the electronic voting machine, or the punch ballot, and in the back of our minds see the red line and the word Osama, hesitate, feel the sweat break on our foreheads and look for the name McCain.
